Satellite Voting at Coralville Public Library

Satellite Voting at Coralville Public Library

Anyone who lives in Johnson County can vote at the Coralville Library on this day- bring your ID and bring your friends! Remember, if you vote early, you don’t have to worry about something coming up on the 8th!

More information available at

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A chance to mingle, celebrate the beginning of early voting, and gear up to ensure that progressive turnout is HIGH across Johnson County and all of Iowa all the way through November 8. Bring six friends to make sure they have their plan to vote in place!

Put it on your calendar now!

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Excluded Workers Candidate Forum

Excluded Workers Candidate Forum

Iowa Catholic Workers and Escucha Mi Voz Iowa members have organized a nonpartisan forum. Candidates for county supervisor, the IA statehouse, and CD01 Congressional District will hear stories from directly impacted immigrant workers, and be asked questions related to immigrant rights and worker justice.

Information and RSVP at:

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Satellite Voting at The Purpose Place

Satellite Voting at The Purpose Place

  • 611 Southgate Avenue Iowa City, IA, 52240 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Anyone who lives in Johnson County can vote at the The Purpose Place on this day- bring your ID and bring your friends! Remember, if you vote early, you don’t have to worry about something coming up on the 8th!

More information available at

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Early Voting Begins & Mail-in Ballots Begin to Be Mailed (General)
to Nov 7

Early Voting Begins & Mail-in Ballots Begin to Be Mailed (General)

Starting Wednesday, October 19, Johnson County residents will be able to vote early 8 AM to 5 PM on weekdays inside the Auditor’s Office, and by driving through the ramp at the Health and Human Services building. These locations will also be available Saturday, November 5, 9 am - 5 pm and Sunday, November 6, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Those who have already requested ballots by mail will begin to receive them and may return them in person to the drop box or by USPS as soon as they are filled out. Remember, the timeline to return is SHORT, so get them returned!

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Johnson County Interfaith Coalition- Integrated Voter Engagement Committee Forum

Johnson County Interfaith Coalition- Integrated Voter Engagement Committee Forum

This non-partisan forum will provide residents, especially from Iowa City’s South District, the opportunity to hear from candidates and to learn more about voting. Republican and Democratic candidates have been invited; candidates in contested races will have the opportunity to speak for several minutes on two or three issues which will be provided before the event.

After the formal portion of the event, refreshments will be provided, and all candidates can meet and talk with attendees. Interpreters will be provided to assist residents who prefer to converse with candidates in languages other than English. Voter education materials will be available in languages reflecting the multi-cultural environment in the South District.

The formal portion of the event will be taped and broadcast on Iowa City’s Channel 4.

More information at:

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Annual Iowa City ADA Celebration

Annual Iowa City ADA Celebration

Elinor will attend the Annual Celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act on Saturday, October 15, 2022 at the Ped Mall in Downtown Iowa City from 10 AM to Noon. There will be music, speeches, information tables, and more! Presented by a host of community organizations.

Backup location in event of bad weather: Merge (136 South Dubuque Street)

The Americans with Disability Act of 1990 is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in several areas, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications, and access to state and local government programs and services.

Learn more:

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League of Women Voters Candidate Forum

League of Women Voters Candidate Forum

The League of Women Voters, a non-partisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

Their goal is to offer an opportunity for the public to learn about each candidate before voting. They do not support or endorse any candidates. All candidates who have filed with the Auditor’s office have been invited.

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JoCo Dems Fall BBQ

JoCo Dems Fall BBQ

Is safe drinking water, clean waterways, and healthy soil important to you? Are you worried about the use of eminent domain for carbon pipelines?

Then come out for tasty BBQ hosted by Johnson County Democrats and meet John Norwood, IA Secretary of Agriculture candidate. John will outline his ideas and common sense solutions to create an "Iowa Built to Last". The role of Secretary of Agriculture is more than overseeing the business side of ag for the state. It’s also serving as the Secretary of Food, Land, and Water. This is a role EVERY Iowan needs to care about.

Elinor and MANY other local candidates will be there to discuss your hopes and concerns for Iowa’s future!

More information available HERE.

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UIowa Faculty/Staff Forum

UIowa Faculty/Staff Forum

The University of Iowa Faculty Senate and Professional and Scientific Staff Council are collaborating on a candidates’ forum this fall. The forum will start at 6:30PM and last for about two hours.

All Iowa House and Iowa Senate candidates that will appear on the Johnson County ballot have been invited to this event. All candidates in races with more than one candidate have been invited to participate in the formal Q+A. The theme will be topics impacting faculty and staff in their capacity at the University of Iowa.

Masks are optional. More information at:

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Johnson County Day of Action

Johnson County Day of Action

  • 510 2nd Avenue Iowa City, IA, 52245 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

There are thousands of voters in Johnson County that vote every four years, but skip midterm elections. A neighbor knocking their door may be the only chance we have to convince them to vote this year.

Join us in Iowa City as we knock doors and educate voters about the upcoming election! More information HERE.

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First Day to Request Mail-in Ballot (General)

First Day to Request Mail-in Ballot (General)

Mail-in voting in Iowa is a great option! You can find instructions for requesting your ballot from the Johnson County Auditor’s office here. Then you can send in your ballot in the enclosed security envelope or drop it off in the box at the Auditor’s Office. Ballots must be requested by Monday, October 24.

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National Night Out

National Night Out

National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes first responders (police department, fire department and emergency services) community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. The organizers include Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County, South District Neighborhood Association, and Iowa City Community Theatre.

Come out and have fun with our local first-responders and other community members!

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Johnson County Fair
to Jul 27

Johnson County Fair

More info coming soon, but this is a great opportunity to engage with organizations you might never hear about otherwise, meet your neighbors around the county, and see what Johnson County’s kids have been working on all year!

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Coralville 4th Fest Parade

Coralville 4th Fest Parade

The 2022 4thFest parade begins at 10:00 am on July 4. The 4thFest parade is the area's largest Independence Day parade. The annual parade features marching bands, floats, and loads of excitement!

I’ll be marching with some of my dedicated volunteers and supporters among the Johnson County Dems!

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Iowa City Pride

Iowa City Pride

You’ll find me a little all over, wearing a number of different shirts during the day, but I hope you come out and have fun!

Enjoy Iowa City’s 2022 Pride parade which will be immediately followed by a community unity march to show that we are still fighting for our rights! Pride Royalty, local clubs and businesses will all walk downtown IC starting at College Green Park - line up begins at 11am. Then the vendor fair and all the festival fun goes until 10 pm!

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Primary Elections

Primary Elections

Iowa has closed primaries, which means you must register with a party to vote in the primary. Happily, we also have same-day voter registration, so even if you realize that your registration is not up to date on June 7, you can still turn out to vote for Elinor A. Levin in the primary!

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